Saturday, June 21, 2008

Mommy's Little Girl n her Friends' too.. hihi!

Mamamamamamamamamamamamamamama.... kangen mamamamama!!

O- em- jee..

I miss my mom so badly.. (my dad too!! but today's post is about mother issue) hehe! it's been a month i haven't heard her voice.. maklum belom beli calling card.. but we're still sending message though..

Emang ya, naluri emak' dan anak tuh kuat banget..mau sejauh apa pun.. dan se-busy apa pun.. every second of it, i always think 'bout her..

Just wanna share some stories with u nih guys... hehe! before I came to Melbourne, I spent a lot of my time mostly with my mother's friends. Maybe some of you were wondering, why I chose to hang out with them instead of my friends who are about the same age...

Well u see, previosly, I was doing my college in Singapore .. and my holiday period was never really matched with Indo's college holiday.. so whenever I friends were all busy with their uni life..huhu! in the end, I just go out with my mom, who happened to be busy doing 'EMAK-EMAK' stuff.. you know, like arisan, ngopi2, ke tukang jait, pengajian.. so.. ya gw JB (join bareng) aja!

At first, I thought it sounds BORINGGGGG..but believe me! I really enjoyed it! haha! it's interesting to know the fact that we're different in term of age, but we could bond somehow.. my friends didn't even believe me when I told them bout it.. Hanging out with them really opened my mind.. that being a mom.. is quite a challenge.. Just try to put yourself in their shoes..there are times where you have to fulfill what your daughter requested or 'daddy' asked you to come home early.. on the other side, you really want to spend some quality time with your friends.. Well, I'm not ready to think about that yet.. but don't worry, GIRLS!!.. the sense of a motherhood is natural thing that we are borne with.. it'll flow thru' us as we become mature.. asekkkkkkk!!

Pokonya.. gaul ama tante2 ini.. seruuu sekalii... I learned people's characteristics... different person, different 'mommy type'(oh! she's a type of 'gaul' mom; oh! she's a type of conservative mom.. that kind of thing..).. dan yang pastii.. walaupunn mereka lebih 'berumur' bukan berarti kita ga bisa FUN ala kita yg anak muda.. nih contohnya.. liat aja..KARAOKEEEEEEE!! ama si tante ofah n tante poppy..hihi! kalo diliat dari gaya gw, kira2.. lagi nyanyi apa yaaa??? hehehhe!!

Then.. like last holiday.. I went to Padang, attending my mom's friend's daughter (Mbak Gita's wedding).. trus kita nyempetin berpose di 'BIG BEN' nya indo duluu dong... Jam GADANG.. nah yg ini fotonya dengan tante Rini n 'mama Etty', that's what I called her..seru banget ngebanyol trus during the trip... pokonya seruuu dehh bokkkkkkkkk!!!

nah kalo yg satu lagii ini namanya.. mbak Cicis.. I'm closer to her than anyone.. ehhee!! maklum dibanding smua.. paling muda, die.. hehe!! We hang out more often.. nonton bioskop, karaoke juga, nginep rumah die juga...ampe pake senam ala BETTY TILARSO sgala.. she even accompanied me to buy my winter clothing before i left.. pokonyaaaa ok punya deh mbak cicissss!! huhuh!!

Well, after spending some times with them.. I could somehow picture myself.. "how will I look like when I'm finally being a mom one day.." HAHAA!! definitely gonna be a COOL MOM!!

Oh my.. now I really miss those times.. never mind.. as soon as I get back home at the end of this year... I'll definitely hang out with them again!! oh mama.. n friends.. miss you all!! huhu!

1st time.. begitu menggoda.. selanjutnya.. terserah.. GWA!!


mi llamo AMANDA, also known as Machu.. (that's what they call me since highschool).. this is my 1st post after the 1st one I made last year.. hahahahaahah!!!! cause i forgot what my username was.. so I hope, this one can last forever, well at least longer than the previous one.. so.. please WELCOME me to this 'not so trange anymore' blogging world.. correct me if i'm wrong on any post i made.. 'ait...

ok.. since currently i'm still in exam period.. I may not be able to write that much.. but we'll see..

These past few weeks have been my torturing weeks... exam..exam...exam... some
how i couldn't get myself concentrated.. i don't know why.. probably.. cause i've been slacking around too much.. so, no wonder.. i'm kinda screwed up... hihihi!! but never mind, I believe, setelah ini semua brakhir.. akan banyak hal-hal seru yang menyambut gw.. owyeah!! I got everything in my head.. but i don't wanna say it here.. cause.. manusia boleh berencana, tapi Tuhan yg menentukan..So I think, it's better for me not tell things which aren't confirmed yet.. Anyway, although exams period is EXTREMELY STRESSING.. but i'm trying to 'enjoy' every second of it.. cause.. u know.. there are fun and 'not so fun' sides bout it, which includes: never-ending study or boring revision, sleepless (just like my msn nickname lately.. 'sleepless in melbourne' ), mata perih+iritasi... halah.. yaa banyak lah ya.. but the FUN things are.. di saat2 kaya gini, God relieves my pain.. thru' beautiful things such as.. ada teman gw yg setia menemani gw.. di saat gw stress.. teman gw ini.. ada yg 'hidup' dan ga 'hidup'.. yg hidup... yaa orang2 yg lagi pada ngeluh susahnya EXAM jg... sepeertii... (perlu gw sebutin ga ya??? sebutin aja deh..) hahahah!! Graha... *peace gra!! tp kan kita senasib dan seperjuangan.. ada jg yg ga EXAM.. si Henni..she's enjoying her so-called HOLIDAY.. yg udah forgood...well, the two of them are always there for me.. asking how's my progress n everything (walaupun ga gerak2 masi disituu2 aja.. haha).. but THANKS mennn!! it means a lot!!

nah kalo yg ga 'idup' nya... temen gw itu adalah.. my IPOD!!! haha!! ipod classic dengan shape sesuai dengan shape pemiliknya ini adalah benda kesayangan gw.. dan dia jg selalu setia.. nongkrong di atas dock nya.. nungguin gw ampe pagi.. (dah kaya orang aja..hehe). what so great about it??? Well, everytime gw stuck.. tinggal click ajah... STRESS PLAYLIST gw.. hahaa! nah, every exam period.. I think i always have my 'exam soundtrack'.. just like my last semester,, i listened to Be Ok - Chrissette Michele and Struggle No More by Anthony Hamilton... nah... this sem.. I've been listening to:
  • Teenage Love Affair - Alicia Keys
  • Love in this club - Usher
  • Way to say I love you - Jagged Edge
  • Last Kiss - Mariah Carey
kalo kata Henni, kok lagu cinta smua ya??? heheheh!! apakah gw lagi...??? haiyahhh.. not a relevant topic for this post.. maybe next time..

If anyone ask me, does it work ? listening to these songs and studying at the same time?? Weitttsss... jangan salah!!Yang pastii.. gw lebih afal ni lagu daripada.. teori consolidation, minority interest, dkk.. hahahahaha!!! gebleg! But i dunno.. i somehow feel like this is what actually helps me to get me thru' this hard times.. asekkkkkk!!

so anyway.. it's been 1.15 am.. n i haven't made any progress since 12.. hahaa!! so i'll end it.. hopefully, this post may cheer u up in some way.. some how.. hihihi!!

adios, amigos.. it's frickinnnnnnnnnnnn awesomeeeeeeeeeeee!!!